Learn or revise the Japanese katakana with pronunciation.
- Hepburn romanization corresponds with how you can type katakana characters on a computer keyboard (when using phonetic writing) with a few exceptions
- Photocopiable PDF version is also available
Sorry, the second part of “ja-ju-jo” is wrong in the writing of “katakana”, I think..
ジャ – ジュ – ジョ –> ヂャ – ヂュ – ヂョ
Not sure how much the versions with ヂ are used in Katakana. I think in most words, ja-ju-jo are spelled with a S-row kana (ジャ、ジュ、ジョ) but there are some words with the other spelling. It’s similar situation as with ず-づ (pronounced the same but ず is way more common).
Found some threads with people giving examples: