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JLPT N1 Kanji

A list of kanji for the JLPT level N1 exam – 1205 characters – doesn't include characters already included for [...]

  • Japanese kanji school grade 1

Grade 1 Kanji

Grade 1 kanji – beta version Download PDF files coming soon [...]

  • JLPTN3 Kanji

JLPT N3 Kanji

Japanese Kanji for the JLPT N3 level. This sheet doesn't include characters already included in the JLPT [...]

  • JLPTN4 Kanji

JLPT N4 Kanji

Japanese Kanji for the JLPT N4 level. This sheet doesn't include characters already included in the JLPT [...]

  • Colors in English

ESL Colors

Basic 11 colors in English (American spelling) Suitable for beginners Download [...]

  • Modern germanic languages

Modern Germanic Languages

Germanic languages of today and their classification. Also includes a list of the most used ones and a map showing where Germanic languages are spoken.
  • Japanese hiragana chart

Hiragana Chart

Cheat sheet for practicing hiragana with pronunciation in IPA and standard romanization

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